As a brand owner on Amazon, you may be struggling to find ways to increase your sales; always looking for the next ‘big win’ and new avenues to increase your sales. Look no further than Amazon’s Experiments tool! This powerful feature allows you to carry out A/B tests on your product listings to optimise your content and increase sales.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what Amazon’s Experiments tool is, who can use it, where you can access it, what kind of experiments you can run, and what kind of results you can expect from running A/B tests on Amazon.

What is Amazon’s Experiments tool?

Amazon’s Experiments tool is a feature available to brand owners who sell on Amazon through Seller Central. The tool allows for A/B tests on your product listings to optimise content and increase sales. A/B testing (aka split testing) is a method of comparing two versions of a product listing to determine which one performs better.

Who can use the Experiments tool?

The Experiments tool is available exclusively to brand owners who sell on Amazon through Seller Central. If you’re a brand owner on Amazon and you want to take your product listings to the next level, the Experiments tool is the perfect solution for you.

Where can I access the Experiments tool?

To access the Experiments tool, simply log in to your Seller Central account, click the burger menu at the top left (the icon of 3 lines), then hover on Brands, then click Manage Experiments.

What kind of experiments can be run on Amazon?

The Experiments tool enables brand owners to create experiments by selecting the metrics they want to test, such as conversion rate or click-through rate, and selecting the variations they want to test. Here are a few examples of the kinds of experiments you can run on Amazon:

  • Title variations: Test different variations of your product title to see which one drives more clicks and conversions.
  • Image variations: Test different product images to see which one drives more clicks and conversions.
  • Description variations: Test different variations of your product description to see which one drives more clicks and conversions.
  • A+ content: Test two different A+ designs, or even one standard A+ vs Premium A+, to see which drives higher conversion rates,
  • Bullet point variations: Try out short-form vs long-form bullet points, or different structures or wording to see which performs better.

There are some limitations on which product can run which type of test, usually based on traffic the listing is getting.

What kind of results can be expected from A/B tests on Seller Central?

The results of A/B tests on Amazon can vary widely depending on the specific experiment being run. However, in general, you can expect to see improvements in metrics like conversion rate, click-through rate, and revenue when you run successful experiments. We’ve published a case study on using Amazon’s experiments tool so you can see what results we can help you achieve.

Some experiments just confirm your suspicions on what content is best on Amazon, and the new content you test doesn’t perform better, however over time of successful experiments, and as you run more experiments and optimise your product listings based on the results, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in your sales and revenue on Amazon.

We can help come up with ideas on what experiments to run, and even set up a calendar of experiemnts to continously optimise your content, saving you the headache of figuring out what to try, allowing you to focus on what you do best. Get in touch if you’d like to hear how we can help.

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