Case Study: Complete Amazon Account Management

150+ SKUs

5-figure sales by month 3

6-figure sales within 12 months

From B2B to B2C Success: Launching Prestige Food & Wine on Amazon with Amazon Peanut

Changing your business’ strategy can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t need to be with the right support.

Prestige Food & Wine is an Italian food company that was focused solely on B2B sales until they approached us for help in transitioning to B2C sales on Amazon. In January 2020, we launched over 150 SKUs for them on Amazon, all of which were optimised for SEO. We spent the first three months strategically planning and launching the products to ensure they were presented in the best possible way, then shifted efforts towards boosting sales.

Within just four months, their sales had surpassed five figures, and by the sixth month, they were close to six figures per month. Within the first 12 months of launching, we generated nearly £400k in sales on Amazon, with the majority of sales being generated organically, and minimal advertising activity.

So how did we do it? We took a strategic approach that prioritised optimisation of the products, since margins meant advertising could only be a small portion of activity. We focused on optimising product listings, including titles, descriptions, images, bullet points and pricing, to improve visibility, conversion rates, and ultimately, sales. We also put efforts into building reviews through various tactics, and pushing products that had a niche in the market or lower competition.

The overall success of the brand on Amazon is a testament to our ability to launch new brands successfully on the platform. Our efforts to optimise the product listings, along with our know-how on what strategies to adopt, allowed us to achieve significant growth and sales within a short period.

Their products are exceptional, so be sure to check them out on Amazon here if you’re in need of any authentic Italian foods.


Although we’re based locally in
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, we have
clients across the UK, Europe, USA and India.


Our award winning team has delivered
results on Amazon that will turn your stagnant listings around.


Our team has successfully optimised a wide range of Amazon accounts on some big name brands, with incredible results.